By Greg Hooker
There are two things that stand out the most to me as I look at my family, friends, neighbors, people on social media and - in fact - around the entire world. They are actually listed in the following passage of Scripture:
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:19)
1. PEOPLE ARE AFFLICTED - “Many are the afflictions of the righteous ...”
Everywhere we look, suffering, pain, and despair are driving people to the limits of their sanity. Seems like the harder they try, the worse their circumstances become. They restlessly lie awake at night contemplating what the tomorrow may hold.
⁃ They deal with sickness and disease.
⁃ Poverty and plagues.
⁃ Depression and delusions
⁃ Heartaches and headaches
⁃ Trails and troubles
⁃ Break ups and make ups
⁃ Abuse and assaults
⁃ Fear and famine
⁃ Hate and hurts
I suppose the list is endless that impose afflictions on mankind. What is so ironic is, however, is the fact that every single problem facing the human population from the beginning of time results from a small three-letter-word - SIN!
Sin has affected the entire creation in such a negative way, that our puny minds cannot attempt to fantom the cost or extent of its colossal damage. The world we now live in is nothing more than a smelly carcass of the original world that our Creator first introduced Adam and Eve to.
After the Lord finished His creational process He stepped back and said, “It is good!” Nothing was imperfect. Nothing was out of line. Nothing at all was without the fingerprint of God’s hand of approval upon it. What a sight the original work of the Lord must have looked like!
But sadly, sin was introduced and thus the Psalmist says:
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous ...”
The second thing that stands out to me as I look around this world is:
“... but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.”
Wow! Although the disobedience of our first parents destroyed the perfect world God prepared for them, God - in the form of His precious Son - came to earth in the form of a man and redeemed a crippled world from the aggressive and destructive consequences of sin. That one act of insurmountable love displayed on the altar of the cross by Jesus Christ opened the flood-gates of redeeming grace and restored a right relationship with God. And even though the world still shows the effects of sin, and even though mankind still resides in a corruptible body, there is yet coming a day in which the earth will be cleansed and our bodies will put on an incorruptible body fashioned like unto the glorious body of our Savior and Lord!
“... but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.”
My dear friends, although we continue to struggle with affliction daily, stay encouraged. The day is coming in which we shall be caught up with our dead loved ones to be changed forever as we meet the Lord of Glory in the heavens above! The question is, “Are you spiritual prepared to meet Jesus Christ?” Have received God’s Son as the payment for your sins? His payment is a “Gift” to any and all who will ask and receive it by faith.
You see, that awesome event that took place upon the cross as Jesus died was for you and me! As sinners we could never pay for our sins alone. So God sent His perfect Son, Jesus, to take the sins of you and me in His own body, and pay the price for us by shedding His pure blood to wash away the dark stain of sin from us. Think of it, He loved us that much! So if you have yet to ask Jesus to forgive your sins and make you His child, do it now! Jesus said, “He that cometh to me I will in no wise (way) cast out.”
So hang in there my brothers and sisters. I know it’s hard, but continually Pray and
Persevere. God completely understands our afflictions and the daily tribulations we face. Remember, we are called to suffer for Christ for He suffered beyond comprehension for us so that we can enjoy a bright, prosperous, and perfect eternity with Him!
By Greg Hooker
There are two things that stand out the most to me as I look at my family, friends, neighbors, people on social media and - in fact - around the entire world. They are actually listed in the following passage of Scripture:
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:19)
1. PEOPLE ARE AFFLICTED - “Many are the afflictions of the righteous ...”
Everywhere we look, suffering, pain, and despair are driving people to the limits of their sanity. Seems like the harder they try, the worse their circumstances become. They restlessly lie awake at night contemplating what the tomorrow may hold.
⁃ They deal with sickness and disease.
⁃ Poverty and plagues.
⁃ Depression and delusions
⁃ Heartaches and headaches
⁃ Trails and troubles
⁃ Break ups and make ups
⁃ Abuse and assaults
⁃ Fear and famine
⁃ Hate and hurts
I suppose the list is endless that impose afflictions on mankind. What is so ironic is, however, is the fact that every single problem facing the human population from the beginning of time results from a small three-letter-word - SIN!
Sin has affected the entire creation in such a negative way, that our puny minds cannot attempt to fantom the cost or extent of its colossal damage. The world we now live in is nothing more than a smelly carcass of the original world that our Creator first introduced Adam and Eve to.
After the Lord finished His creational process He stepped back and said, “It is good!” Nothing was imperfect. Nothing was out of line. Nothing at all was without the fingerprint of God’s hand of approval upon it. What a sight the original work of the Lord must have looked like!
But sadly, sin was introduced and thus the Psalmist says:
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous ...”
The second thing that stands out to me as I look around this world is:
“... but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.”
Wow! Although the disobedience of our first parents destroyed the perfect world God prepared for them, God - in the form of His precious Son - came to earth in the form of a man and redeemed a crippled world from the aggressive and destructive consequences of sin. That one act of insurmountable love displayed on the altar of the cross by Jesus Christ opened the flood-gates of redeeming grace and restored a right relationship with God. And even though the world still shows the effects of sin, and even though mankind still resides in a corruptible body, there is yet coming a day in which the earth will be cleansed and our bodies will put on an incorruptible body fashioned like unto the glorious body of our Savior and Lord!
“... but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.”
My dear friends, although we continue to struggle with affliction daily, stay encouraged. The day is coming in which we shall be caught up with our dead loved ones to be changed forever as we meet the Lord of Glory in the heavens above! The question is, “Are you spiritual prepared to meet Jesus Christ?” Have received God’s Son as the payment for your sins? His payment is a “Gift” to any and all who will ask and receive it by faith.
You see, that awesome event that took place upon the cross as Jesus died was for you and me! As sinners we could never pay for our sins alone. So God sent His perfect Son, Jesus, to take the sins of you and me in His own body, and pay the price for us by shedding His pure blood to wash away the dark stain of sin from us. Think of it, He loved us that much! So if you have yet to ask Jesus to forgive your sins and make you His child, do it now! Jesus said, “He that cometh to me I will in no wise (way) cast out.”
So hang in there my brothers and sisters. I know it’s hard, but continually Pray and
Persevere. God completely understands our afflictions and the daily tribulations we face. Remember, we are called to suffer for Christ for He suffered beyond comprehension for us so that we can enjoy a bright, prosperous, and perfect eternity with Him!