(Unless noted otherwise)
(Unless noted otherwise)
- We all easily make mistakes. Owning up to them is the hard part.
- It’s impossible to be a Christian and not care about what’s taking place in our country and government. Stand, Pray, and Voice Truth!
- All that hate, malice and unforgiveness burning your soul hurts the other person less than a gnat landing on their nose! Ironic!
- Even in the midst of a perverse generation we will lift our God and praise His holiness. There is none who can compare to you.
- Proudly many parade their sins, the rest of us loathe their boldness to profane the Holiness of the Lord. Put their evil deeds on public display.
- Lord expose the hidden evil of this corrupt and vile generation. Let your light reveal what is being done in darkness.
- Just remember, the ‘friends’ who abandoned you were not true friends to begin with. Real friends are forever.
- When God removes someone from your life, you can be sure it was for good reasons. Don’t go begging them to come back, or you’ll be sorry!
- What I know about the Bible wouldn’t scratch the cover. It is infinite, boundless, and alive. Each time you open it you inhale God’s breath.
- Today may be the day when the Father looks over to His Son and says, “it’s time, go get your Bride”❤️
- Don’t forget to read your Bible and pray, pray, pray and you’ll grow, grow, grow!
- God Won Yesterday
- God Wins Today. God Will Win Tomorrow. God is in us, therefore we are winners!
- Suicide is never the solution. It only leaves grieving loved ones and opens up a far greater problem when you meet God. Think about it.
- If we will pray earnestly, God will hear and answer.
- We are already fallen. The question is, ‘Are we going to give up or rise and stand against the powers of Satan?’
- Jesus as I daily witness to all who will listen & receive, please have others witness to my family. Maybe they will listen to them.
- When you focus on building your relationship with Christ, He will see that your relationship with your spouse grows also.
- God’s hands of judgement is upon this world. The wicked have profaned God’s Holiness too long. Wrath awaits them.
- The dark deception plaguing our land is about to be brought to the Light of God’s dear Son, Jesus Christ.
- Repent and draw nigh to God, for His justice is coming for the sins of our nation.
- What has been shrouded in darkness will be exposed in Light. Wake up ye that sleep and open your eyes to the truth.
- In God alone will I trust and not fear the Devil or any creature who would cause me harm. I am securely sealed and blood protected.
- Never argue with someone who doesn’t accept the 66 books of the Bible as Gods inspired Word - truth without error.
- I’d rather have people praying for me than all the gold in the world. Thanks to all who pray❤️
- The only hope for the world is God. Man cannot fix this ball of evil we live on. My trust is the Lord who made Heaven and Earth.
- Life Matters.
- Give it to Jesus!
- Nothing is more important than winning a soul to Christ Jesus. Nothing! Makes no difference where or how it’s done.
- When you start preaching the Light, the darkness begins to flee.
- It’s one thing to believe the truth, and another to incorporate and use it for God’s glory. Which camp are you in?
- When the preacher preaches truth and feathers are ruffed, the Amen’s cease and the oh me’s commence. Yet the truth sets you free.
- Nothing is more important than winning a soul to Christ Jesus. Nothing! Makes no difference where or how it’s done.
- No matter who you are, where you’ve been, what you’ve done, how deep in sin you are, God still loves you.
- Exercising faith in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, we can be set free from the punishment of our sins, which is eternity in Hell.
- Your fragile life has only so much time allotted to it. Your life is like a vapor, here one second and gone the next. Receive Jesus now!
- ‘Blind’ ignorance is not necessarily a sin. ‘Willful’ ignorance with the facts looks blindly over sin and carries accountability.
- “Faith” vs. “Feelings” Don’t confuse the two. We are saved by Faith alone, not our Feelings. Feelings come go, but Faith in Christ is sure.
- God and Satan are diametrically opposed to each other. You cannot bounce between the two and expect them to share.
- Some people take going to church for granted until they are physically unable to go. Enjoy God and fellowship while you can.
- Pastors using celebrities that do not live the life of Christ to advance their position or ministry is wrong. Period.
- We can pray daily for revival, but it will never come until we humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from our wicked ways.
- If it doesn’t sound, look, smell, taste, or feel right - avoid it. God’s Spirit will lead us in all truth. God’s Word is truth.
- Christians, when in doubt, don’t. It’s as simple as that.
- God’s Spirit throws up red flags in your life. They are there to warn and protect you. Please don’t bypass them.
- Deception is the Devils tool to trick you into believing a lie. It covers the truth with darkness and leads the weak into destruction.
- It’s sad when the world is offended by everything but sin.
- Because Jesus lives, I live. Because I live, I can tell others Jesus lives. Thus the power of the resurrection.
- People may be hurt by the truth, but not telling the truth may cost them their souls.
- Friends come and go, but the Word of God remains as a Rock of our foundation. Flee the sand and embrace the solid Rock of Jesus.
- I will not be popular among many, but I will preach the truth though many won’t listen. I don’t tickle ears, or flatter the flesh.
- Fear is a byproduct of no faith. Faith will eliminate fear because our trust is in someone much greater than ourselves, God.
- Two things a person cannot know: the hour of the coming of the Lord, and the hour of their death. Think on that. Are your ready?
- The day you experience the consistent love of Jesus, nothing else in the world will ever seem so beautiful again.
- You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. You can lead a person to the Gospel but you can’t make them accept it. Arguing never accomplishes anything but establishes a poor testimony in the site of others.
- “And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.”
- - Matthew 10:14
- “Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.” - Proverbs 23:9
- Satan has covered America in darkness and deception. Soon the Light of Jesus will dispel and reveal the truth and corruption.
- In the forthcoming days, look for God to reveal the lies and deception in this world. Prepare your hearts.
- The only hope we have as a nation, is for God to intervene and root out the corruption. I believe He is about to do that.
- In order to rightly divide the truth of prophesy in Scripture, we have to explore what’s occurring in our nation and the world.
- Don’t look back on what could have been, but look forward to what God will do❤️
- “Prepare your hearts” God’s Light is going to reveal the deception and darkness of this world. It will be deep and shocking.
- God can use a dedicated believer at any place, time, or situation. He simply wants our obedience.
- I don’t love you on your beliefs, merits, or good works, but on the premise of your eternal soul that Jesus gave His life for.
- Once you get a good taste of the love of Jesus Christ, nothing else will ever satisfy your soul.
- Don’t look back on what could have been, but look forward to what God will do❤️
- Our hope lies not in the efforts of man, nor in the institutions of governments, but in our Creator and the guidance He has so graciously provided through His Spirit indoctrinating our souls through the Word of God the Bible.
- May we let our lights shine and dispel some of the darkness in our world. God will take care of the rest.
- Faith overcomes fear. The two are not compatible. They cannot coexist together without conflict. Faith in Christ conquers fear.
- It may not look like it now, but Light will overcome darkness. Remain calm and wait on the Lord.
- One of the saddest things is to see “Christians” post about God, and in the same sentence curse and use vile language.
- One of the greatest mistakes of my life was trying to impress people who cared nothing at all about me. Impress God instead.
- A country without God is a country without honor. There is no soul, no conscience, or the ability to govern in righteousness.
- How is it possible to make someone look bad to make yourself look good?
- It’s so easy to lash out when you think a person is wrong, but it shows character when you don’t.
- Reassigning gender is just an extension of justifying the homosexual lifestyle.
- “Keep on Praying, Praising, and Proclaiming the Truth of God’s Word!”
- Isn’t it great that all man’s accusations made against you will not be brought against you by God?
- Sometimes God removes people from your life because He knows their motives. Don’t make the mistake and add them back in.
- The only thing standing between you and God’s will for your life is yourself.
- It’s time for Pastors to speak out against evil being imposed on the American people by a wicked government. Be a spokesman for truth!
- Say and think what you will about me. I have thick skin.
- It’s called “The Armor of God”.
- The depth of God’s grace far exceeds the depth of man’s sin.
- Temptation is not a sin until you act upon it. Remember Jesus was tempted of the Devil, but said “get behind me Satan”. Follow Christ.
- Just because God doesn’t work on our time table doesn’t mean He’s given up. The problem is we lack patience.
- Once a person genuinely realizes what Jesus Christ has done for them, how can they conceivably remain silent about Him?
- I shudder to think where I would be right this minute if God’s grace hadn’t convicted and caused me to turn to Jesus Christ.
- People tell me I shouldn’t be so ‘controversial’, so ‘biblical’. Stick around and see how that works out for ya!
- We’ve got plenty of “Fact Checkers” What we really need is more “Truth Seekers”!
- The wicked never win in the end, they only expose themselves for who they are.
- The greatest threat to the world is our willful abandonment of God. We are in our current chaos because we have neglected His Word.
- Pray for the babies whose first and last experience of this world is being ripped apart from the safety of their mother’s womb.
- God is soon to reveal all wickedness and the whole world will shake and tremble as the darkness is revealed by the Light of God!
- Unless you consistently pray and search the Scriptures, you will fall into the deceptions of the Devil.
- There isn’t a psychiatrist chair big enough for man’s problems, but there is the foot of the cross with room to spare.
- Ask not what God can do for you, but what you can do for God.
- One reason Billy Graham was so successful at winning the lost, was because he crossed denominational lines and preached Christ and Him crucified. Christ never wanted His Church broken up into factions. He wanted unity among the brethren. Everyone was on the same level at the cross. A perfect, complete Bride adorned with beauty and holiness prepared for the Bridegroom.
- When you think you have “arrived”, God says you’ve just begun.
- Biblical knowledge is a paradox. The more you learn the more you realize what you don’t know.
- Another day to fight the good fight of faith with our Commander in Chief! Mount up and let’s ride comrades!
- The greatest mistake a pastor can make is to believe the Devils lie that he is unbreakable and impervious to falling.
- A soul is a tragic thing to waste. Keep thy soul with all diligence.
- To argue with a fool is to inspire to be one.
- We should love the sinner, hate the sin, and offer Jesus for their salvation. John 3:16
- God can hear the faintest prayer above all the worlds noise, but we must listen silently to hear His still-small-voice whispering to us.
- The rabid hate pouring from evil hearts for one man is staggering. So much so they would sell out our country to communism. Sad...
- If we ro
- If by chance you have tuned into my channel to be pampered & justified of your sins, might as well change it to Loony Toons.
- It may be today, tomorrow, next week, next month or next year, but God is going to judge the wickedness of our nation in His time.
- Though the future is uncertain, we have a God who controls the future. His ways are far above ours. Trust Him!
- FEAR says we are living in uncertain times. FAITH says we are living in exciting times! Keep the faith my friends, Gods in control!
- “Life is like Swiss Cheese with a lot of holes, but God fills them with His grace.”
- Like Peter, my greatest fault is when I take my eyes off Jesus and place them on the cares of this world. I begin to sink every time.
- We’ve got plenty of “Fact Checkers” What we really need is more “Truth Seekers”!
- The day we cannot rejoice over the salvation of a soul is the day we invariably need to examine our own.
- Freedoms lost will never be fully regained. = Socialism/Communism.
- What’s appalling to me is sin. But even more so the acceptance and normalization of it by the Church.
- Many criticize me for getting into politics. I call it crying out against wickedness in high places. More preachers should do their same!
- Political instability is a symptom of Spiritual instability. Our field manuals first rule is to follow our Divine Commander.
- If God can use me, He can use anybody. Just make yourself available.
- Don’t forget! Gods convicting power is unleashed through fervent prayer for sinners. Seeds sown will not germinate without it.
- Every person who rejects the Word of God will answer for their actions with mouths shut and knees bent before the Almighty.
- Ignorance of God’s Word is a playing ground for the Devil.
- Living the Christian life should become as natural as breathing. You shouldn’t have to think about it.
- I am leery about “Christians” who praise God in one breath, and use foul language in the next. I just don’t get it.
- Jesus Christ will guarantee a bountiful harvest if we sow the seeds. Are you a sower?
- A church who fails in evangelizing the lost has lost its commission.
- Adolf Hitler may have committed suicide, but his evil spirit is alive and well in our country. Beware!
- Jesus is Lord over all, but Savior to all who believe.
- If you have eternal life, it cannot under any circumstances end because it is eternal. Think on it my friends. It will give you peace.
- We owe God a debt of gratitude for allowing us to awake to another day. Without Him we would never exist.
- I was born a sinner and reborn a saint in Christ Jesus.
- I hope you can say the same.
- Your relationship with Jesus Christ is a matter of spiritual life or death. Only you can establish it.
- Lord I thank you for everyday you keep my heart beating. Just please help me to make each beat count for you.
- Until Jesus Christ is enough, nothing else will be.
- ALL LIVES MATTER! That should be the rallying call for all of us. When we single out a certain group, then that’s racism.
- While in this flesh we are sinners, but in Christ we are sinless. His righteousness has been imputed to all who believe in the Gospel.
- God can and will use you if you will submit to Him. Makes no difference who you are, your education, or title! Just give Him your all.
- What could be more important than telling others about a Jesus Christ .....
- Without Christ I am hopelessly lost in sin and bound for God’s retribution.
- Our land is showing the fruits of man’s depravity fueled by the whispers of the Devil.
- If you kill a baby you are a murderer. If you support a baby killer you are an accomplice to that murder. Do you have blood on your hands.
- It’s amazing that many Christians will share most anything but the Gospel of Christ. Are you ashamed of Him?
- We need true, born-again men and women in Washington to say enough of evil and wickedness and expose it at all levels!
- Some people should just leave their mouths closed and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt!
- Our greatest concern as Christians should be the proclamation of the Gospel. Please pray and share Jesus with them.
- Sometimes God removes people from your life because he knows their motives. Don’t make the mistake to add them back in.
- Even if you could walk on water, your enemy would say it’s because you can’t swim! Don’t listen to your critics.
- Regardless of how bad this world gets, God is still on His throne. “Let not your heart be troubled. “
- Almost all Biblical arguments can be eliminated if Scripture is studied in context instead of random choosing of verses.
- Surround yourself with positive people. Avoid the negative and your life will be one of peace.
- God says on socialism: “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”
- "REPENTANCE means a change of mind. Formerly, I thought sin as a pleasant thing, but now I have changed my mind about it. Formerly, I thought the world an attractive place, but now I know better. Formerly I regarded it miserable business to be a Christian, but now I think differently. Once I thought certain things delightful, now I think them vile. Once I thought other things utterly worthless, now I think them most precious. That is a change of mind, and that is repentance." ~ Watchman Nee
- Biblical preaching will either cause you to hate sin, or hate the preacher.
- You may feel like your life is defeated, but if you have Jesus Christ you’ve already won the victory!
- Feelings come and go like the weather, but faith is like a rock. It will never move. So trust in the Solid Rock of Jesus.