By Greg Hooker
It’s because they haven’t spent enough time with Jesus. They have allowed themselves to be side tracked by Satan. He is the father of lives, but Jesus is the Father of truth and righteousness. Don’t let Satan do to you what he has done to so many others. Pray, Study the Scriptures and obey them, tell others about the Savior and His great love. Keep your eyes set on Him, not on the actions of others or the world. They will answer to God and truth will set you free. Stay away from negative people, even if they claim to be a Christian. Keep your eyes focused on the prize set before you. Look neither to the right or the left, but straight ahead. Run the race with patience to receive the crown of righteousness. Stay the course. The finish line is just around the corner.
By Greg Hooker
It’s because they haven’t spent enough time with Jesus. They have allowed themselves to be side tracked by Satan. He is the father of lives, but Jesus is the Father of truth and righteousness. Don’t let Satan do to you what he has done to so many others. Pray, Study the Scriptures and obey them, tell others about the Savior and His great love. Keep your eyes set on Him, not on the actions of others or the world. They will answer to God and truth will set you free. Stay away from negative people, even if they claim to be a Christian. Keep your eyes focused on the prize set before you. Look neither to the right or the left, but straight ahead. Run the race with patience to receive the crown of righteousness. Stay the course. The finish line is just around the corner.